LAN Cable Market

LAN Cable Market Surges: 11.87% CAGR

Evolve Business Intelligence has published a research report on the Global LAN Cable Market, 2021–2034. The global LAN Cable market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of around 4.41%during the forecast period of 2021 to 2034.

Evolve Business Intelligence has recognized the following companies as the key players in the global LAN Cable Market: Black Box Corporation, Fiberstore (FS.COM Inc.), Com Co Ltd., Infinite Electronics International Inc., Belden Inc., Hitachi Ltd., Nexans, DBA Primus Cable, Huzhou Shumai Cable Co., Ltd, LEONI.

LAN Cable MarketMarket Highlights

The LAN Cable Market size accounted for USD 6.85 Billion in 2023 and is estimated to account for 7.21 Billion in 2024. The Market is expected to reach USD 32.66 Billion by 2034 growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.87% from 2024 to 2034. A LAN cable is one of the hardware components used in a network to link peripheral devices to a router or modem switch, which then connects to a local server. These are copper cables that connect routers, modems, and switches to peripheral devices like laptops and computers. Ethernet, which is specified as IEEE 802.3, is a computer networking technology that is extensively used for local area networks (LANs). Although LAN cables provide connectivity to a limited region, multiple LANs can be linked together to form a broader network.

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Segmental Analysis

The global LAN Cable market has been segmented based on Type, End User

Based on Type, the market is segmented based on Cat 6 Cable, Cat 6a Cable, Cat 7 Cable, Cat 5 Cable And Cat 5e Cable. Cat 5e cable segment dominates due to its widespread use in various applications, offering enhanced performance over its predecessor, Cat 5, while maintaining cost-effectiveness for vehicle wiring and communication systems.

Based on End Users, the market has been divided into the Home Use, Office Use, Industrial Use. home use segment typically dominates, driven by the high volume of passenger vehicles owned by consumers. This segment benefits from continuous demand for replacement tires as personal vehicle ownership remains prevalent.

Regional Analysis

The LAN Cable market is divided into five regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East, &Africa. North America holds a dominant position in the LAN Cable Market. North America dominates the LAN Cable market, due to the surge in use of high-reliability networks with low-security concerns. Furthermore, the North American Ethernet cable sector is expected to grow during the forecast period. The spike in demand for Internet of Things (IoT) systems in North America is projected to drive the Ethernet cable market in this region. The Asia-Pacific region has indeed emerged as the fastest-growing market for the LAN Cable industry. The growing urbanization, rising internet penetration, data center construction, and smart city efforts are driving the considerable growth of the Asia-Pacific LAN cable market. Countries like China, India, and Japan are key contributors, with increased demand for high-speed internet and network infrastructure. Furthermore, the market is being driven by the increasing uptake of IoT and cloud computing technologies, which is giving manufacturers the chance to innovate and satisfy the region’s changing connection needs.

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